May I Offer Coupons or Have a Sale?

Certainly! These are selling preferences you can access via your vendor dashboard.

There are four options. You can:

  • enable a storewide discount for all products;
  • enable discounts on a per product basis;
  • enable a bulk purchase discount on a per product basis; and/or
  • create discount coupons eligible for all or selected products.

How to Enable a Storewide Discount on All Products

To enable a storewide discount, head over to the main store settings section Dashboard → Settings → Store and scroll down until you see the Enable storewide discount checkbox option—tick the checkbox:

Screenshot of storewide discount checkbox and options

All there’s left to do now is:

  1. set a minimum total order amount required for the order to be eligible for the discount (can be left blank for no ‘minimum’ requirement); and
  2. set the percentage discount.

Remember to save the changes when finished.

How to Set a Per Product Discount (Sale Price)

To set a discount or sale price on a product, go to the Products section and select the relevant product:

Screenshot of choosing product to edit

In the case of our Impressively Tasty Peanuts demo product, we’re dealing with a product that has multiple variations by weight. We have 48, 64, and 96 oz. weight variations.

For variable products, you must enable the discount on a per variation basis by scrolling down to the Attribute and Variation section of the product edit page and selecting the relevant variation(s).

Below, we’re looking at the Sale price field for the 48 oz. bag. Simply input your desired sale price:

Screenshot of product variation settings and sale price field

For simple, non-variable products, the Discount Price field can be found near the top of the product edit page:

Screenshot of product 'Discounted Price' field

Remember to save the changes when finished.

How to Set a Bulk Discount on a Per Product Basis

To enable a bulk discount on a product, go to the Product section and select to edit the relevant product.

On the product edit page, scroll down to the Discount Options section, tick Enable bulk discount and set the minimum order quantity and the percentage discount to deduct from eligible orders:

Screenshot of bulk discount options

Remember to save the changes when finished.

How to Create a Coupon

Creating a coupon is easy. Head over to the Coupons section Dashboard → Coupons and click Add New Coupon:

Screenshot of arrow pointing at Add New Coupon button

You’re now set to create a brand new coupon:

Screenshot of options for creating a new coupon
  1. Set the coupon title (what you type here will be the actual coupon code, so we recommend all lowercase or all uppercase letters)
  2. Write a description for your own reference
  3. Choose one of three discount types:
    1. Percentage discount
    2. Fixed cart discount
    3. Fixed product discount
  4. Set the discount amount
  5. Optionally input email addresses you want to disallow from using the coupon; you can include a wildcard character (*) to match multiple email addresses, for example, '*' will disallow all Gmail addresses
  6. Optionally set a limit to how many times the coupon can be used
  7. Optionally set an expiration date where the coupon will automatically deactivate
  8. Optionally choose if the coupon should not apply to products on sale
  9. Optionally set a minimum total order amount required to be eligible to use the coupon
  10. Select which products the coupon can be applied with (can be ‘All’ or a specific product(s))
  11. If you select ‘All’ in the previous step, then optionally choose which product(s) to exclude
  12. Finally, you can choose to show the coupon code on your vendor store page

Once finished, go ahead and click Create Coupon, and your coupon is ready to go!

Screenshot of newly created coupon

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