Welcome to VegByte

Welcome to our corner of the Internet!

If you weren’t already aware, VegByte is a multivendor marketplace and online resource for people ready to begin and excel at a plant-based lifestyle in a fun, easy and tasty way.

We’re a team of 3 founders (Nichlas, Debbie and Marco) and several core contributors that work with us.

Collectively, we’re creating what is to be one of the best places for you to learn about transitioning to and fully adopting a plant-based diet.

Everyone is welcome here regardless of current dietary status and preferences.

In fact, even if you never intend to pursue a plant-based or vegan-friendly diet, we aim to support you as far as you feel prepared to go.

Plus, you’ll also enjoy any resources we have which don’t relate to diet.

We recommend you go through each article in this Start Here section.

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